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olga colgan

Olga Colgan, 박사

Strategic Marketing Director - Digital Pathology

Colgan 박사는 디지털 병리학 분야에서 수 십년 간 활동했으며 새롭고 지장을 초래하는 기술을 활용하여 의료 및 연구 분야 모두에서 실제 이점을 제공하는 방법을 집중 연구하고 있습니다. 그녀는 Leica Biosystems와 작업하기 전에 아일랜드의 더블린시티 대학교(Dublin City University)에서 바이오테크놀로지 이학 학사와 혈관 생물학 박사 학위를 수여했습니다.

Published Pieces by Olga Colgan,

In this webinar, learn more about the adoption of digital pathology, and the appropriate steps to support change management to help promote engagement and a path to success.

In this webinar, learn more about the adoption of digital pathology, and the appropriate steps to support change management to help promote engagement and a path to success.

Digital Ready Slides are the essential starting point to compile AI datasets. Being digital-ready now may offer opportunities in the future for augmented diagnostics that benefit patients, pathologists, and providers. Download this training resource and learn more about Digital Ready Slides for AI Development. 

In this session, we will focus on the impact for your laboratory, and provide some practical guidance to help with a smooth transition to digital pathology. From pragmatic considerations, when selecting a scanner, to workflow implications, this webinar aims to arm you with the information needed to identify the right solution.

In recent years, digital pathology has gone from an intriguing idea to an integral part of how academic and commercial labs operate. Join Leica Biosystems and Procia Digital Pathology as they discuss why institutions are going digital today and how they...

Digital pathology incorporates the acquisition, management, sharing and interpretation of pathology information — including slides and data — in a digital environment.