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G Craig

Dr Stephanie G. Craig

Lecturer in Precision Medicine at the Patrick G. Johnson Center for Cancer Research, Queen's University Belfast

Stephanie is a Lecturer in Precision Medicine at the Patrick G. Johnson Center for Cancer Research, Queen’s University Belfast. She has a breath of experience in the application and validation of translational cancer research methodologies using molecular pathology techniques (immunohistochemistry, in situ hybridisation, multiplex immunofluorescence) and statistics. Her research focuses on predictive biomarker studies and understanding confounding variables that influence the prediction of poor prognosis subgroups in cancer research including reproducible study design, choice of molecular test and assessment criteria.

Published Pieces by Dr Stephanie

In this webinar, learn how the Center for Cancer Research at the Queen’s University Belfast utilized automated staining and slide digitization as an aid to clinical research (for research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures) in immunohistochemistry, RNA in situ hybridization, multiplex immunofluorescence, and artificial intelligence studies. 

In this webinar, learn how the Center for Cancer Research at the Queen’s University Belfast utilized automated staining and slide digitization as an aid to clinical research (for research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures) in immunohistochemistry, RNA in situ hybridization, multiplex immunofluorescence, and artificial intelligence studies. 

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