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Prof. Kyoung Bun Lee

Clinical Professor, Pathology, Seoul National University College of Medicine

Professor Lee graduated from Seoul National University College of Medicine in 2002 and is a Clinical Professor at Seoul National University Hospital (SNUH). She specialized in hepato-pancreatic biliary pathology, renal pathology, and bone & soft tissue pathology.

In Seoul National University Hospital (SNUH), Prof Lee manages the pathology department’s laboratory automation and computerization system since 2010. She is also on the Korean Society of Pathologists (KSP) committee board as Information Director.

Prof Lee led the digital pathology project at SNUH in 2018, where she introduced a digital pathology system for primary diagnosis; a first in Korea. Besides heading the digital pathology project at SNUH, Prof Lee is passionate about advocating the value of digital pathology, automation of pathology workflow for primary diagnosis and establishment of data-pipeline for computational pathology. 

Published Pieces by Prof. Kyoung

Pathology is among the last departments in the hospital that are not yet digitized. Given pathology’s contributions across healthcare, the full effect of information systems on healthcare will not be fully realized until the specialty transitions to digital.

Curious about what the future holds? Listen to our global panel of expert pathologists and learn more about AI, digital pathology, and how future innovations may lead the way.

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