Tissue Processing
Tissue processing consists of dehydration, clearing, and infiltration. Here, experts share their recommendations for properly executing these steps.
Science of Tissue Processing
Download this training resource to learn more about tissue processing and the steps required to take animal or human tissue from fixation to the state of complete infiltration with a histological paraffin.
The Benefit Of Multiple Tissue Processing Runs
Tissue processing is one of the most critical elements of obtaining quality and timely results in the histology process. Ultimately, to obtain the desired quality processed tissue samples, separate processing runs may be required appropriate to tissue size.
Developing Antibodies for Immunohistochemistry for Diagnosis in Formalin Fixed, Paraffin Embedded Tissues
Reducing Batch Size to Improve Slide Turnaround Time
The Leica Biosystems Process and Solutions Optimization team has partnered with Queen Elizabeth Hospital to examine how to optimize their processes to reduce turn-around-time. QEH is most interested in having slides assigned to their Pathologists earlier in the day. The Process and Solutions Optimization team identified a few changes to help recognize and monitor their goals.
Optimizing Automated Tissue Processing Efficiency To Reduce Cost
The Leica Biosystems Process and Solutions Optimization Team partnered with a large U.S.-based academic medical center to examine how to best utilize equipment in its pathology lab to gain efficiencies while saving money. This hospital is most interested in the impact that equipment can have on reducing turn-around time and saving money in the routine histology lab. By benchmarking current practices and performing a capacity analysis, the Process and Solutions Optimization Team can quantify key performance indicators (KPIs) contributing to the lab’s operational efficiency and present a solution that satisfies its goals.