Philip Ferguson
Dr. Philip Ferguson is in a private practice located in Arkansas. He has a diverse training background that includes an undergraduate degree in mechanical engineering, post-graduate training in internal medicine, and board certifications in anatomic pathology, clinical pathology, and hematopathology. His professional interests center around educational resource development for pathologists and trainees, and use of immunohisochemistry and molecular diagnostics in surgical pathology. Dr. Ferguson launched one of the first widespread internet educational tools for pathology residents to prepare for their board examination, PathMD (www.PathMD.com), which is now the Leica tool PathLead. Dr. Ferguson also serves as a state commissioner for the College of American Pathologists' Accreditation and Laboratory Improvement Program and is also member of the Global Advisory Board for Leica Biosystems. Dr. Ferguson has published several publication of late including ‘The Effect of Decalcification Solutions on Kappa and Lambda In-Situ Hybridization,’ as well as ‘Effects of Decalcification on Immunohistochemistry Comparing: Immunocal®, Formical2000®, and EDTA Stat®.’