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Educational content about the well-defined, optimized process to ensure a pathology lab’s efficient, safe, and consistent handling of histology tissue samples.

60 Minutes: 20 Histology Tips

Clifford Chapman, HTL(ASCP), QIHC (ASCP)

When was the last time that your pathologist brought you a slide of decalcified bone, and said it was the best she ever saw? Ever wonder why your PAS stain is not staining the basement membrane the way it should? These questions and 18 others will be discussed...

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Steps to Better ISH

Geoffrey Rolls, BAppSc, FAIMS

Get tips for better ISH staining in this guide. Each step provides a valuable reminder of good histology practice and also helps with troubleshooting when unacceptable results do occur.

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Why are Automation & Innovation Critical to the Histology Lab?

William N. DeSalvo III, BS HTL(ASCP)

There has always been pressure on the Histology Lab to do more with less money, less people and less time. Automation in Histology has somewhat stalled over the past few years and is difficult to implement. Automation is only a multidisciplinary process to...

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Specimen Tracking Systems: Tracking Samples Helps Reduce Misdiagnosis

Mikko Rasanen, Senior Product Manager

Sample tracking systems help reduce misdiagnosis by positively identifying patient tissue throughout the diagnostic process.

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The Cost of Reprocessing

Herbert Skip Brown, M. Div., HT(ASCP), Director of Education & Training, Lab Management Consultants

One of the most fundamentally critical elements of diagnostic histopathology is first the ability to suspend all cellular activity in tissue and prevent degradation, and secondly to process that specimen in a manner that facilitates subsequent steps such as...

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Grossing - New Initiative for a New Generation

Michele Lamphere, HT(ASCP)
Elma Cortinas, MS, Clinical Practice Management

Due to decrease on healthcare reimbursement and the rising cost of medical supplies and tests, this large metropolitan pediatric healthcare facility had to re-evaluate their resources and make their processes more efficient.

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Anatomic Pathology's Quality Journey

Anthony Magliocco, M.D.

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The Importance of An Accurate and Timely Diagnosis

Steve A. Kargas, MD, PhD, MBA, FACHE

We asked Dr. Kargas about the importance of a timely diagnosis and how this impacts his day-to-day work.

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Benefits of Implementing a Specimen Tracking System (STS) in Anatomic Pathology

Shanna Pollock, MSB, HTL (ASCP) QIHC, PA.

Anatomic pathology has historically relied on manual systems of tracking and data collection. While many laboratory information systems (LIS) provide rudimentary data on cases, tissue blocks and slides, they fail to report data in such a way as to be useful in real-time decision-making.

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