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Dr. Catarina Eloy

Catarina Eloy


Dr. Catarina Eloy is the Head of the Pathology Laboratory of IPATIMUP/ Researcher at i3S/ Affiliated Professor of Medical Faculty of The University of Porto. She is also the former President of the European Society for Digital and Integrative Pathology and Vice-president of the Portuguese Society of Anatomic Pathology.

Dr. Eloy received her MD in 2003 from the Medical Faculty of The University of Porto with a specialization in Pathology

Dr. Eloy has been a researcher since 2006 at the cancer signaling & metabolism of i3S/Ipatimup and received a Ph.D. in Thyroid cancer in 2012 by the Medical Faculty of The University of Porto.

Dr. Eloy has 70 publications and three academic and scientific awards/distinctions.

Published Pieces by Catarina Eloy

There is a new community called Digital Pathology Connections (DPC) that is quickly becoming pathology’s modern-day water cooler. DPC is a virtual global community by pathologists for pathologists to provide a hub for educational content and discussion of timely topics.

Join three global pathologists as they share their insights on accelerating the adoption of emerging technologies in pathology.

Learn from the leaders of the DPA, ESDIP and JSDP as they share their expertise on why now is the time to support a digital transformation in pathology.

Thinking about starting your digital journey? Watch this panel discussion and learn from leaders of the digital pathology associations in Europe (ESDIP), United States (DPA) and Japan (JSDP) on the future of pathology.

The augmented pathologist works synergistically with AI, has no fear of being substituted and has the pride of being part of an empowered generation that envisions better care for our patients.

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