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Innovate with Leica Biosystems

Leica Biosystems is a global leader in workflow solutions and automation, integrating each step in the process. As the only company to own the workflow from biopsy to diagnosis, we are uniquely positioned to break down the barriers between each of these steps. Our easy-to-use and consistently reliable offerings help improve workflow efficiency and diagnostic confidence.

If you have an idea, product or technology that you believe could make a step forward in advancing cancer diagnostics, please complete the form below.

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How it works

You will be asked to submit some information about yourself as well as non-confidential data about your idea/invention. Your submission will be assessed by a dedicated Innovation Program Manager, and we will contact you if we are interested in your submission.

Innovate with Leica Biosystems - Lightbulb


Dé vida a sus ideas


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Su idea

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