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Jyoti Phatak-Sheldon

Jyoti Phatak-Sheldon

Associate Scientist at Advanced Cell Diagnostics, a Bio-Techne Brand

Jyoti Phatak-Sheldon holds a Master’s degree in Molecular and Cell Biology along with a Bachelor's in Dental Surgery. She has previously worked in the field of genomics and precision diagnostics as a product specialist for qPCR-based liquid biopsy tests. Jyoti currently works at Advanced Cell Diagnostics as an associate scientist in the applications team to execute projects and collaborations that demonstrate novel applications of RNAscope and BaseScope™ assays.

Published Pieces by Jyoti Phatak-Sheldon

In this webinar, we will demonstrate how RNAscope technology can be used to detect viral infection and pathogenesis for research, and enhance our understanding of globally important viruses, such as SARS-CoV-2. For research labs that require high throughput and automated RNA in situ hybridization (ISH) technology on BOND RX, Bio-Techne has partnered with Leica Biosystems to deliver RNAscope® ISH automated assays.

In this webinar, we will demonstrate how RNAscope technology can be used to detect viral infection and pathogenesis for research, and enhance our understanding of globally important viruses, such as SARS-CoV-2. For research labs that require high throughput and automated RNA in situ hybridization (ISH) technology on BOND RX, Bio-Techne has partnered with Leica Biosystems to deliver RNAscope® ISH automated assays.