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Digital Pathology — The Way Forward


Pathlab processes around 5,000 patient tests daily, handling over 60,000 cases and 200,000 slides annually. They are 100% digital, scanning every slide through their advanced digital system. Recognizing early on that digital pathology was the future, Pathlab implemented Leica Biosystems Cerebro Workflow Management System for a streamlined single-piece workflow, enhancing patient safety and efficiency.​

Transitioning to digital pathology allowed Pathlab to replace manual processes with automated, high-quality imaging, significantly improving their workflow and reducing turnaround times.

Digital pathology has revolutionized Pathlab's operations, enabling faster and more efficient case reviews, seamless multi-discipline meetings, and remote work capabilities. It also provides increased security, reducing the risk of human error and transforming images into valuable data for advanced diagnostics.​

The investment in digital pathology has proven worthwhile, enhancing service quality and preparing their lab for future technological advancements, including AI-assisted diagnosis. Pathlab is committed to leveraging cutting-edge technology to improve processes and outcomes for its staff and patients.​

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For In Vitro Diagnostic Use.