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HistoCore Tissue Processors

Dual-Retort Discovery Hub

Fewer resources, more to do, and less time to get work done. At the same time, patients are waiting anxiously for an answer. Using processing protocols that match tissue type and size are crucial to avoid costly reprocessing and consistently deliver slides on-time.

Tissue Processing Workflows - One Size Does Not Fit All

Errors in the fixation or processing steps early in the workflow can cause damage to tissues, impair the recovery of biomolecules, or render nucleic acids suboptimal for analysis, which can lead to ambiguous results or misdiagnoses.

Learn from industry experts how over-and under-processed tissues affect the daily workflow of your laboratory and what you can do to get consistent, high-quality results.

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The Benefit of Multiple Tissue Processing Runs

Nearly 4 out of 10 laboratory directors and pathologists report that the under- and over- processing of tissues are the main challenges in their histopathology workflow.

To obtain the desired quality processed tissue samples, separate processing runs may be required appropriate to tissue size.

A processing model that allows for overlapping runs can only be accomplished by moving from one tissue processor to two tissue processors or from a signel retort processor to a dual-retort processor.

Find out how your laboratory can benefit from a dual-retort solution.

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Dual-Retort Solutions

Your Workflow, Your Way

In a laboratory no two days are ever the same. Establish and adapt a workflow to meet the demands of your laboratory every day, with short cycle times and flexible processing protocols. In-built intelligent automation helps prevent user error to improve efficiency and maximize productivity.

HistoCore PELORIS 3 Premium Tissue Processing System

World‑leading processing times, unmatched protocol flexibility, and an intuitive design help enable laboratories to provide same‑day results to pathologists.

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HistoCore PEGASUS Tissue Processor

Track. Trace. Capture - Gain high confidence for your results.

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Discover What Our Customers Have To Say


Transforming Patient Diagnostics in Madrid

To keep up with growing demands, the laboratory replaced a collection of outdated of instruments with state-of the art Leica Biosystems equipment.

The new, comprehensive tissue processing system allows the laboratory to customize protocols according to the type and quantity of samples it receives.

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High-Volume Lab Switches From VIP to the HistoCore PELORIS 3

As a 24-hour working lab, South Bend Medical Foundation processes an estimated 60,000 cases a year.

Learn how the HistoCore PELORIS 3 gave them the flexibility they needed while improving turnaround time.

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For In Vitro Diagnostic Use