World-leading Innovation, Intelligent Automation
Aperio is synonymous with digital pathology innovation. 20+ years of continuous improvement and 9 generations of technology automation are realized in compact, user-friendly scanners that integrate with your pathology workflow and systems.
Aperio GT 450 DX
With a 450-slide capacity, diagnostic image quality and rapid scanning the Aperio GT 450 DX scanner is optimized for the needs of high throughput clinical pathology departments.
Aperio GT 450
Scale up Digital Pathology operations by increasing throughput in high volume research pathology laboratories, with 450 slide capacity and rapid scanning.
Aperio GT 450 v 1.3
Proven technology with three features that improve image quality and flexible scanning solutions in research settings: Z-Stack Scanning, Automatic Narrow Stripe, and 20x Magnification
Aperio CS2
5 slide capacity, brightfield scanner for low throughput, high quality scans. 2x3 slide option available for large slides.
Aperio VERSA
The flexible Digital Pathology research scanner for brightfield, fluorescence & FISH whole slide imaging.
CytoInsight GSL
CytoInsight GSL automated image analysis and case management system is a comprehensive Cytogenomics solution that improves quality and turnaround time from acquisition to analysis while reducing hands-on time at every step in your process
Educational Resources
What is Digital Pathology
Digital pathology incorporates the acquisition, management, sharing and interpretation of pathology information, including slides and data, in a digital environment. Learn about the fundamental components and practical steps in this editorial.
Four Tips for Digital Pathology Slide Scanning
High quality whole slide images are pivotal to leveraging the benefits of digital pathology. Explore some top tips to help you get the best out of your digital pathology scanner.
Top Considerations When Buying a Digital Pathology Scanner
Are you thinking about purchasing a digital pathology scanner? We offer some tips for things to consider during your evaluation process.