Introduction to Antibodies

Antibodies are specialized proteins generated by the immune system in response to disease and infection. The staining generated by antibodies and IHC is usually the stepping-stone required in developing data to support the next stages of innovative research.
In this webinar, in her role as Senior Scientist, Antibody Research & Development at Leica Biosystems, Denise Woolley discusses the different types of antibodies, the importance of their structures, and how they are classified. Denise further dives into the manufacturing of antibodies and their significance to research utilization.
Learning Objectives
This webinar is suitable for all participants, but some previous experience with immunohistochemistry is assumed. After the webinar, participants should be able to:
- Identify the different classifications and structures of antibodies
- Recognize the different functions of each classification of antibody
- Describe the development process for antibodies
- Recall steps in antibody development and manufacturing
For Research Use Only. Not for Use in Diagnostic Procedures.
About the presenter

Denise has been with Leica Biosystems since 2015 and holds the role of Workflow Optimization Enablement Consultant, in Newcastle, UK. Prior to working for LBS she was a specialist biomedical scientist in Cellular Pathology for over 15 years working within NHS Pathology Services.
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