Fluorescent Multiplex Staining of RNA and Protein Targets on the BOND RX Research Stainer
![Dr Mary Green](/sites/default/files/styles/square/public/media_image-file/2022-08/dr-mary-green-200px-x-200px.jpg.webp?itok=EPRDqfN3)
The Experimental Histopathology facility at the Francis Crick Institute has been using the BOND RX system since 2020 to optimize bespoke RNAscope assays, and multiplex immunofluorescence panels using OPAL fluorophores and multimodal RNA/protein staining in addition to running routine immunohistochemistry.
Utilizing the high level of adaptability within the BOND RX research stainer, we have modified protocols to apply technologies to a wide range of research fields using both human and mouse tissues.
For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
About the presenter
![Dr Mary Green](/sites/default/files/styles/square/public/media_image-file/2022-08/dr-mary-green-200px-x-200px.jpg.webp?itok=EPRDqfN3)
Following a PhD and postdoc in the field of developmental neurobiology, I joined the experimental histopathology team at the Crick in 2017. Within the science technology platform, I primarily lead on the development and application of advanced staining techniques including immunohistochemistry, immunofluorescence, multiplexed staining, and RNAscope.
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