Digital Pathology and Interoperability - Success Factors for the Implementation of Digital Pathology
When implementing a digital pathology solution in the laboratory, interoperability plays a significant role in the project’s overall success. Whether sharing Whole Slide Images (WSI) internally within your laboratory or externally to organizations, the Interoperability Framework 5-layer model can help identify areas of focus as you prepare for your digital pathology implementation. This model systematically addresses organizational strategies and stakeholders, required processes, information exchanges, application requirements, and IT infrastructure needs.
Key Learnings:
- What is digital pathology?
- What is interoperability?
- How to implement the interoperability framework model
- Internal and external aspects of interoperability
- Interoperability best practices
- Example: Dutch National WSI exchange Project PIE

Download the Digital Pathology and Interoperability Framework 5-layer Model now!
About the presenter

Dr. André Huisman graduated from Utrecht University in the Netherlands with a medical computer science degree and a Ph.D. in machine learning using microscopy images. Upon graduation, Dr. Huisman worked on the first large-scale global digital pathology project digitizing the complete workflow (2007). In 2011, Dr. Huisman joined MedicalPHIT, a consultancy firm specializing in Healthcare IT, focusing on interoperability, and imaging. André’s primary focus is pathology informatics and is involved in many laboratory, regional and national projects.
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