Tips & Tricks to Better Histology in Tissue-Based Research (Part 2): A Review of Factors Influencing the Quality of Sections

A 2-PART WEBINAR SERIES DEDICATED TO MITIGATING COMMON ISSUES AT EACH STEP OF THE HISTOLOGY PROCESS. In this 2-part live webinar series, Fiona Tarbet discussed how to avoid common pitfalls at each stage of the histology process. With over 37 years of experience, Fiona was invited for 3 consecutive years to give this talk at NSH (National Society for Histotechnology) as part of a 4-hour workshop. For the first time ever, this talk was presented virtually through this series of webinars via LabRoots.
Learning Objectives
- Break down the key factors to help guide labs to achieve great quality - from embedding through staining. Causes of excessive compression when cutting sections.
- Clarify how to overcome distortion during microtomy and resolve issues with flotation.
- Reviewing what to look for in H&E stains
About the presenter

Fiona holds a Bachelor of Applied Science (Med.Science) from RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia. Currently, Fiona is a Senior Global Product Manager with Leica Biosystems with particular focus on the Tissue Processing Portfolio. However, Fiona has spent her entire career of nearly 40 years focused on Histology, first within a fast-paced, clinical laboratory-based role in Melbourne, Australia where she held positions of increasing responsibility up to Laboratory Management, before moving to Vision Biosystems as Laboratory Manager with oversite of scientific staff involved in R&D for the BOND, CEREBRO and PELORIS systems, Verification and Validation activities, Production and Field Application Support. Fiona then moved into the commercial area involvement in the product development lifecycle from ideation to product development, product marketing and commercialization. Fiona has been actively involved in several scientific organizations with membership of the NSH and HGV and has been invited to give workshops for several years at the NSH.
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