Implementation of Fully Automated BOND RX Protocol for NanoString's GeoMx Assay
To enhance both throughput and reproducibility, Leica Biosystems and NanoString have developed automated sample processing workflows for RNA. In this webinar, we will show you how the integrated workflows of the BOND RX and the Digital Spatial Profiler (DSP) can advance your translational research.
Learning Objectives
Characterization of the spatial distribution and abundance of proteins and mRNAs with morphological context within tissues enables a better understanding of biological systems in many research areas, including immunology, oncology and neuropathology.
Analysis of samples across multiple tumor types and diseases has revealed novel spatially distinct protein and mRNA candidate biomarkers. However, it has proven difficult to perform such studies in a highly multiplexed manner at a throughput scale that is required for translational research programs. To address this unmet need, Leica Biosystems and NanoString have developed a novel platform that can perform high-plex analysis of proteins or mRNAs on a single FFPE section from distinct tissue spatial regions utilizing GeoMx® Digital Spatial Profiler (DSP).
In this webinar you will be able to learn more about:
- The integration of BOND RX into the GeoMx DSP workflow to automate translational research sample processing
- Adoption and integration of the system at LabCorp
- Technology benefit from a real user experience and comparison to manual system
For Research Use Only.
About the presenter

Carlee Hemphill is a Lead Scientist I at the Covance CDx laboratory in RTP, NC with a background in histology, anatomical pathology and bioinformatics. Her current role is the development of IHC or multiplex immuno florescence assays, or computational pathology algorithms, for clients interested in a complementary or companion diagnostic testing assay for their immuo-oncology pharmaceutical drug development pipeline.
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