Combining RNAscope™ Technology with Protein Detection: A Multi Omics approach using RNA-Protein Integrated Co-Detection Workflow (ICW)

In this webinar, we will focus on an Integrated Co-Detection Workflow (ICW), which combines RNAscope ISH technology with immunohistochemistry (IHC) or immunofluorescence (IF) procedures to detect RNA and protein in the same sample.
Learning Objectives
The webinar will cover guidelines for sample preparation, pretreatment, and detection, including tips for troubleshooting.
- Identify RNAscope technologies and examples of RNAscope co-detection results
- Review the Integrated Co-Detection Workflow (ICW)
- Outline guidelines on sample preparation and pretreatment, including assay setup and appropriate controls
FOR RESEARCH USE ONLY. Not For Use In Diagnostic Procedures.
About the presenter

Blake McAlpin is a Field Application Scientist in the Boston area for ACD. He received his Ph.D. in Neuroscience from MD Anderson UTHealth Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences in 2021 where he studied neurotoxic side effects of chemotherapy treatment with a focus on microglia-mediated mechanisms underlying cognitive dysfunction. His master’s degree from Université Denis Diderot (Paris VII) focused on endocrine disruption by BPA with regard to the endogenous circadian clock. He received his bachelor's degree in Neuroscience from the University of Michigan.
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