Science of Tissue Processing

Download this training resource to learn more about tissue processing and the steps required to take animal or human tissue from fixation to the state of complete infiltration with a histological paraffin.
What is Tissue Processing?
Tissue processing is a procedure of removing water from cells and replacing it with a medium which solidifies allowing thin sections to be cut on a microtome.
Once tissue is properly fixed it goes through a process which involves dehydration, clearing and infiltration. Tissue processing is routinely done on an instrument called a tissue processor.
The download titled "Science of Tissue Processing" describes the steps required to take animal or human tissue from fixation to the state of complete infiltration with a histological paraffin. Subsequently, the processed tissue is made into a paraffin block, so it can be sectioned on the microtome.

About the presenter

Andrew Lisowski has almost 30 years of experience in histology and histotechnology. He attended veterinary school and earned his master’s degree in molecular biology. Andrew worked in histology, IHC and ISH labs, cell culture lab, performed in-vitro and in-vivo toxicology assays and was a member of a necropsy team. He worked for pharmaceutical companies, medical school and founded his own molecular and histology firms.
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