Immunohistochemical Analysis of Selected Head and Neck Neoplasms

The rapid expansion of the field of Head and Neck Pathology encompasses a wide variety of lesions, inflammatory conditions, neoplasms, and infections which requires a variety of tools for rapid and accurate diagnosis. Analysis using immunohistochemical and molecular tests will be discussed in selected neoplastic conditions. The presentation will focus primarily on the role and immunohistochemical reactivity patterns of numerous antibodies that aid in the diagnosis of Head and Neck tumors.
Learning Objectives
- Immunohistochemical analysis of selected Head and Neck Neoplasms will be reviewed.
- Antibody reactivity patterns will be discussed.
- The use of several FISH and Molecular tests will also be presented that serve as additional diagnostic tools.
About the presenter

Dr. Steve A. Kargas is the current Director, Surgical Pathology at CSI Laboratories, Atlanta, GA. He received his medical degree and post doctorate at University of Wisconsin-Madison and his AP residency at Stanford and CP residency at Cedars Sinai Medical Center, LA., CA. Dr. Kargas is highly involved in improving specializing in evaluation, diagnostic immunohistochemical analysis and molecular testing of solid tumors including carcinomas of unknown primary site, soft tissue, colon, prostate, breast, prognostic/diagnostic cases, MMRP, MSI PCR testing, hepatocellular carcinoma, lung including small cell carcinoma vs. non-small carcinoma, and providing solutions to anatomic pathology needs of clients. He is a member of CAP, USCAP, ASCP, ASQ, and ASC.
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