Digital Pathology for Primary Diagnosis from an IT Manager's perspective

During this presentation, Mark will give an overview of his perspective on integration of new technologies in the laboratory setting.
He will focus on four key elements of Digital Pathology: Image acquisition, Image Storage, Image presentation and User Experience- highlighting where Pathlab are right now and then where to from here?
About the presenter

Mark is the key IT Application Specialist for Histopathology at Pathlab Bay of Plenty and has been responsible for supporting Pathlab’s IT requirements for the past 10 years.
Before joining Pathlab IT team, Mark had broad medical laboratory experiences in scientific roles at Pathlab Bay of Plenty, Canterbury Health Laboratories, Christchurch and the New Zealand Blood Service.
Mark worked extensively with key stakeholders on the Digital Pathology integration project at Pathlab and was instrumental in putting together an implementation and maintenance IT framework plan ensuring the project’s success. Pathlab was the first Laboratory to go live with adopting digital pathology for Primary Diagnosis in New Zealand.
Mark is passionate about both IT and histopathology and is keen to help laboratories overcome the workload pressures with the adoption of automation and technology.
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