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Kirsteen Maclean

PhD, Senior Director of Biomarker and Translational Strategy, Ultivue Inc.

Kirsty Maclean has 20 years of leadership experience addressing academic, biotech, clinical research organizations (CRO) and pharmaceutical industries through clinical/technical communication, sales support, and strategic market intelligence. Previously Kirsty held leadership roles in commercial development and scientific communications at CodexDNA, Defines (now part of AstraZeneca), Nanostring Technologies and ThermoFisher Scientific. Prior to industry, Kirsty spent 8 years as a post-doctoral researcher and staff scientist at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, and to date has over 35 peer reviewed publications and book chapters. She holds a PhD in Hematology and a BS (Hons) in Biochemistry.

Published Pieces by Kirsteen Maclean

This white paper highlights the value of an integrated ISP-in situ hybridization (ISH) workflow for co-detection of protein and RNA targets on a single FFPE tissue section.

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